All op amp DC specifications can be measured with this universal circuit and aquisition card:
Input offset voltage (Vos)
Input common-mode voltage range (Vcm)
CMRR and CMRR linearity (Input offset vs input common-mode voltage)
§Non-inverting input bias current (Ib+) and its linearity (Non-inverting input bias current vs input common-mode voltage)
§Inverting input bias current (Ib-) and its linearity (Inverting input bias current vs input common-mode voltage)
Input offset current (Ios)
Input common-mode resistance (Rcm)
Input differential resistance (Rd)
Noninverting input bias current vs input common-mode voltage
Inverting input bias current vs input common-mode voltage
Input offset current vs input common-mode voltage
DC gain linearity (Input offset vs output common-mode voltage, linear output voltage range) with different loads
DC gain with different loads (Av)
DC output resistance (Ro)
Output voltage swing vs load resistance (Vo)
Short circuit sourcing current (Isc)
Short circuit sinking current (Isc)
Supply current (Is)
Supply current vs input common-mode voltage
DUT op amp with almost any unity gain frequency and with high open loop output resistance can be measured correctly and without changing loop compensation.
Offset = (OutServo - InputCM) / 101
DC CMRR test: VEE/VCC=stable. OutputCM=0. S1 – closed, S2 – closed, S3 – open. Sweep InputCM from VEE to VCC and measure offset.